About Barb

In 2011 while shopping at a Papyrus card store, I had my “Ah-hah!” moment when I realized that I could make these $7, $8, and $9 cards myself. Soon I had racks of greeting cards in six shops and it was the shop owners who kept asking “What else do you make that we can keep in our shop?” That is when my bath products took flight.  I started with bath bombs then I added soap and shower scrub.  As a person with sensitive skin, I always make it a point to make natural, limited ingredient bath products.  This idea carried over to my soy candles.  I use soy exclusively because it burns longer and cleaner than paraffin.  Recently I started making felted gnomes and holiday items and I started making jewelry from natural stones and metals. Fast forward ten years and 11 shops on consignment and here I am, realizing my dream of having my own gift shop here in beautiful Redlands, California!